Sunday, January 13, 2013


These couple of days I've been recuperating from a cough, a fever, menses as well as jet lag. It explains the lack of posts and I do hope to keep on writing at least for the next couple of weeks.

I'm actually easing back into action. Besides sleeping, which occupies the major part of my day, I took time (grudgingly), to direct this chamber reading (a play with script). It's called I LOVE GOD BUT I DESIRE MARRIAGE. From a writer's point of view, I have a lot of issues with the script, but I am attracted to the thematic matter as well as some of the dialogue.

It brings to mind about the confluence of religion and personal motivations, as well as the illogicality of desire and human frailty. It's not dramatic like Hamlet, but I hope in some small ways the story it tells will resonate my audience as it does in me.

I promise to write soon, especially when this wreck of a body has resumed some of it's equilibrium. MAYBE, I need to write TO restore equilibrium. For now, I'm content to be curled up with a copy of the Dresden Files, hoping to go to sleep before insanity strikes me.

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