Wednesday, December 19, 2012

When travel is not about anticipation

There is a difference between travel and holiday. The former seeks to explore, to consciously put oneself in an uncomfortable position and aims to be inspired by "being in the moment". The latter is about a getaway, the escape from the banal realities of life, when we can eat, drink and be merry.

This December for me, is to a holiday but a travel experience. I have never been put in a position where I have to make all the ticket bookings, the accommodation arrangements, and on top of that, still plan the intinerary. So far, I have been asked by a strange for sex, almost got knocked down by cars on the tiny italian streets, and tasted weird and strange foods that turn out to be surprisingly good. I am proud to say that I've trodden in the Florentino rain for an hour, ate like a pig for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as moved like a sloth when the mood suits me.

It's often cliche, how writers and artists find inspiration when they are are 'away'. There is a sense of mystery and intrigue when one is away, because you're a tourist, a visitor (that in some places, can be unwanted). You have the benefit of insight from the outside. You are in the moment, yet you are not. It is the dialectic of being in the place, and yet not quite being IN it.

It is also about learning what we always take for granted, the public transport system, the way people order coffee at one of the many small caffes in Rome for instance. In a city, it's amazing how much we already know,  and how much cities are similar in their rhythm and pattern. We automatically know what do in a train stataion (the yellow line seems pretty universal so far) and we instinctively reach out for the red button to call for a stop at the street.

So traveling is about meeting new people, but not  always nice ones. It can be about transgressing the familiar, the known, and find out after all, you have escaped not from a place, but from yourself. We can be who we want to be in a land of strangers, knowing you have no strings attached to this place and absolutely no obligation to go back there. It is a fantasy, and yet also reality - you can be who you are without substantially being judged. Traveling is not about anticipation, it is about revelations.

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